Thursday, August 27, 2020
Skin Cancer Essays - Dermatologic Surgery, Carcinoma, RTT
Skin Cancer Consistently one American is killed by skin disease and at regular intervals one American gets skin malignant growth. Malignant growth is a savage ailment that changes the DNA of a skin cell and makes it imitate at a fast pace. This overproduction of cells can be destructive and as a rule fatal. Out of these malignant growths the most widely recognized is Basal cell carcinoma. Numerous means have been made in the treatment of Basal Cell Carcinoma, some have been fruitful and some not. The phones that have the changed DNA are called dangerous or carcinogenic cells. These cells are found in the external layers of the skin. The skin's fundamental occupation is shield the body from diseases and to protect the body to keep it at the correct temperature. The primary layer of skin is known as the epidermis. This is the layer that is nearest to the outside of the skin. There are three sorts of cells in this layer. The first is the squamace. The squamace cells are level and textured furthermore, are found nearest to the outside of the skin. Second are the basal cells lastly are the melanocytes which give the skin its shading. The second layer of skin is the dermis, which is a lot thicker than the epidermis. This layer contains sweat organs, nerves and veins. The dermis likewise contains follicles which are little pockets from which the hair develops. (Jablonski) The most widely recognized dangerous cells are the basal cells. Malignancy in the basal cell is called nonmelanoma malignant growth. This implies the malignant growth didn't begin in the melanocytes situated in the epidermis. (Prestan 1650) Basal Cell Carcinoma is brought about by overexposure to the sun. The sun emits bright beams which are unsafe to the human body. Basal cell carcinoma will influence body parts, for example, the eyes, ears and nose. In the event that it is identified before it gets profound into the skin there will doubtlessly be no issue rewarding the malignancy. The issue is the point at which it is identified after it has advanced into the profound parts of you tissue. In the event that Basal cell carcinoma is left untreated it very well may be difficult to treat and may even reason demise. (Elson, 1) The normal techniques for treatment include the utilization of Mohs micrographic medical procedure, radiation treatment, electrodesiccation and curettage, and straightforward extraction. Every one of these techniques is valuable in explicit clinical circumstances. Contingent upon the case, these strategies have fix rates going from 85% to 95%. Mohs micrographic medical procedure, a fresher careful strategy, has the most elevated fix rate for careful treatment of both essential and repetitive tumors. This technique employments minuscule control to decide the degree of tumor intrusion. Despite the fact that Mohs micrographic medical procedure strategy is entangled and requires extraordinary preparing, it has the most elevated fix pace of every careful treatment since the tumor is minutely illustrated until it is totally evacuated. While other treatment techniques for repetitive basal cell carcinoma have disappointment paces of about half, fix rates have been accounted for at 96% when rewarded by Mohs micrographic medical procedure. (Thomas 135-142) Mohs micrographic medical procedure is moreover shown for tumors with inadequately characterized clinical fringes, tumors with measurements bigger than two cm, tumors with histopathologic highlights demonstrating morpheaform or sclerotic examples, and tumors emerging in areas where greatest conservation of uninvolved tissue is attractive, for example, eyelid, nose and finger. (Thomas 135) Next there is a treatment including basic extraction with solidified or lasting separating for edge assessment. This customary careful treatment as a rule depends on careful edges extending from three to ten millimeters, contingent upon the measurement of the tumor. (Stand 492-497) Tumor repeat isn't remarkable since just a little part of the complete tumor edge is analyzed pathologically. Repeat rate for essential tumors more noteworthy than 1.5 cm in distance across is at any rate twelve percent inside five years; if the essential tumor estimates bigger than three cm, the multi year repeat rate is 23.1%. Essential tumors of the ears, eyes, scalp, and nose have repeat rates extending from 12.9% to 25%. Third there is electrodesiccation and curettage. This technique is the most broadly utilized strategy for evacuating essential basal cell carcinomas. Despite the fact that it is a snappy technique for decimating tumor, sufficiency of treatment can't be evaluated promptly since the specialist can't outwardly identify the profundity of minute tumor intrusion. Tumors with breadths extending from two to five mm have a fifteen percent repeat rate after treatment with electrodesiccation and curettage. When tumors bigger than three cm are treated with electrodesiccation and curettage,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
john adams revolution Essay -- essays papers
john adams insurgency John Adams clarifies how the insurgency started when he says, The Revolution was affected before the war initiated (37-38). The Revolution was in the psyches and hearts of the individuals, demonstrating there was an inclination of insurgency when individuals left England to go to the New World (25). The duel for America made an anxiety among the free disapproved of Americans. In any case, mother England saw the need of holding her settlements. Inevitably, strain is felt between the different sides, bringing about pilgrim solidarity and the sway of another republic. There were numerous circumstances and end results of the American Unrest. There were numerous causes that started America's new feeling of distinction (p.26). One of the principal causes was the expanded trust in military quality, which caused an ascent in frontier confidence. This expansion in confidence was an aftereffect of the significant picked up from the French and Indian War. The French and Indian War, additionally broke the fantasy of British invulnerability, demonstrating the colonials that anything was conceivable. Another reason for the colonials feeling of distinction was that rubbing among Britain and the states rose. American pioneers felt that they merited credit as opposed to disdain for taking a chance with their lives to make sure about another world realm, where as the British would not perceive any American volunteer army commission about the position of a skipper. Likewise, British authority were additionally upset by the hesitance of the colonials to help the normal reason wholeheartedly. Likewise, singularity was a sense in the brains of the pioneers the day they set foot on the new mainland. Distinction started with th e way that to emigrate was to delight, and the individuals who went to the New World, were in certainty rebels on account of the separation they put among themselves and Britain. Likewise, the separation between the New World and Britain, actuated distinction due to the significant distance to go between the two spots; it left the states both genuinely and profoundly isolated from the New World. The states realized that separation debilitates authority, however huge spans debilitate authority much more. The American condition additionally sustained the sentiments of freedom as a result of the perpetual environmental factors of England, going to the New World offered a difference in pace for the states since they presently had their own reality to mama... ...nies met up for one normal reason and they weren't going to withdraw (97). At last, the unrest and the war massively affected America. One of the most noteworthy aftereffects of the upset and war on America was the marking of the Declaration of Independence wherein the underwriters vowed all that they had or put stock in to ensure their freedom. The Declaration of Independence expressed what to perfect government was and what to provinces proposed on doing to guarantee the most ideal condition and open doors for quite a long time to come. Another impact of the upset and war is that the United States fringes were reached out to Florida and the Mississippi River. As Thomas Jefferson began, by gathering such glory gatherings of men, we have found out more and will keep on gaining from these men's models, as opposed to the instances of armed forces. Taking everything into account, the American Revolution didn't profoundly change the whole political or social system. Individuals went on with their regular day to day existences, undisturbed by what was gong on. Nonetheless, the upset helped America to advance into a free country, which could now live boldly realizing that anything was conceivable.
The United States Presidential Election Essay Example for Free
The United States Presidential Election Essay The ongoing triumph of Barack Obama in the United States Presidential Election of 2008 is probably the greatest issue among numerous other huge occasions that have happened in America this year. Right off the bat, in any event, during the presidential primaries, the subject of whether then Presidential applicant Obama would be sufficiently compelling to win the discretionary vote was an issue. It was undoubted that the Democratic Party delighted in the help of the mainstream vote yet the greater was issue was whether they would have the option to increase enough of the Electoral College votes. The occasions and discussions paving the way to the political race have additionally realized a disputable political race theme which is that of Electoral College change. This concise talk will handle the issue of Electoral College Reform and whether an alternate technique for the determination of the United States president ought to be utilized. To show up at a superior comprehension of the issue, it is essential to initially examine the advantages and disadvantages of the present framework. In that capacity, there will be a conversation into the verifiable forerunners and the effect of such discretionary changes. At last, this talk will feature the reasons why the technique utilized by Maine and Nebraska is progressively viable. Discretionary College Reform In 1888, the appointment of Benjamin Harrison was questionable on the grounds that without precedent for American History the victor of the Electoral College lost the well known vote. This brought up a ton of issues since it was thought to represent the absence of help for the President by the American open. It would likewise imply that the order of people in general was not for the President and it would make it extremely hard to pass changes and laws. This is on the grounds that the United States has a vote based government. It must be recollected that a fair framework is regularly erroneously described as the standard of the dominant part (Davenport 380). While there is typically a huge gathering of working class people that include this popularity based framework, it doesn't really imply that the dominant part rule. This lone implies that the larger part for the most part chooses the delegate for office however the sign of any majority rule government is as yet the security of the privileges of the minority. Thusly, the arrangement of Electoral College guarantees that while the greater part may impact the result of a political race it additionally ensures the individuals can uninhibitedly choose their portrayal at all levels, most particularly at the degree of the administration. Most as of late, the issue of Electoral College Reform indeed stood out as truly newsworthy as President George W. Bramble barely won the constituent vote yet had lost the mainstream vote. This triumph brought up a great deal of issues and even the previous Senator Hillary Clinton required a protected revision that would take into account the choice of the President to be through well known vote and not the discretionary vote. Unmistakably this measure didn't pass yet it positively brought to the cognizance of the open the need of assessing the issue of Electoral College Reform. Advantages and disadvantages It makes sense why such a framework, which has been set up for such a long time and been the purpose behind the appointment of a few Presidents, ought to be supplanted with an obsolete political decision style. So as to show up at a superior comprehension of the issue, it is critical to initially talk about the worries of the Electoral College framework. This is with the objective of demonstrating that there is a requirement for Electoral College Reform and the selection of the Congressional District technique which is being utilized in Maine and Nebraska. The main explanation is that it is contended that the arrangement of Electoral College Reform doesn't precisely mirror the estimation of people in general. This is on the grounds that as the models in the ongoing decisions have demonstrated an individual can at present be proclaimed as the President of the United States regardless of whether the person in question doesn't have the help of the greater part or the famous vote. Under the Electoral College framework, as long as the applicant appreciates the help of the States with the heaviest weight, he is for all intents and purposes guaranteed of triumph. This is a result of the way that the designers of the Constitution looked for correspondence in portrayal and needed to guarantee that the voters in the meagerly populated states would have more weight when contrasted with those in the more thickly populated states. This was done to guarantee that those in littler states would have the option to be heard and have portrayal. This was likewise done to guarantee that the greater part would not overpower the minority. Another curious part of the Electoral System is that an up-and-comer can win the political decision on the off chance that he so happens to aggregate successes in numerous states that are moderately little in size regardless of whether his adversary can get bigger successes in littler states. The explanation behind this is the Electoral System likewise includes the ââ¬Å"winner take allâ⬠framework which decides that the extent of the appointive vote frequently looks to some extent like the famous vote. The champ take alls framework likewise makes a couple of issues in light of the fact that the more modest number of discretionary votes makes a disparity with the measure of irregular round offs which has been expressed as a mistake. The nearness of this mistake is additionally dangerous in light of the fact that most investigations have indicated that it lessens voter turn out in regions and states where there are prevailing gatherings. Seeing that they can't swing the vote in any case, certain voters don't endeavor to practice their entitlement to decide in favor of dread that it will all be in vain a result of the numbers in question. Being the minority party in the state, they know that if their state utilizes the Electoral College System they will be not able to influence the result of the political decision in any case. This is the motivation behind why there is a voter lack of care issue in the greater part of these states. Maybe the primary issue with the Electoral College emerges from the way that on the off chance that there is no up-and-comer who gets most of the discretionary votes, it falls upon the House of Representatives to settle the issue. Starting here alone, plainly there are a few consequences from such a strategy. The first is that the aftereffects of the political decision won't make any difference regardless in light of the fact that it will be the House of Representatives that will decide the victor. This may likewise be deciphered as a circumstance wherein the gathering which can get the most number of seats in Congress will strongly decide the result of the political decision. The subsequent fanatic fight is not, at this point illustrative of the desire of general society yet rather the desire of a portrayal that doesn't viably convey the endorsement of most of the democratic open. The subsequent explanation is on the grounds that it frequently brings about pony exchanging request to decide the following President of the United States. Since the House of Representatives is made out of a few congressmen, it comes down to exchanging votes in favor of concessions while deciding the administration of the nation. This thoroughly dismisses the appointive procedure and in a manner can be translated as baffling the desire of the democratic open. In that capacity, the whole appointive procedure comes down to which side can acquire support for their applicant and which up-and-comer can give more concessions to the gatherings. This is like occasions that happened in 1824 and 1876. The initiative of a nation comes down to burden measures and financing rather than what it is truly expected to be about, the desire of the democratic open. This framework additionally makes another issue by constraining the decisions of the general population. Since it hosts been resolved that the get-together which has a superior system for the most part wins, the Electoral System forgets about the elective gatherings, for example, the dissidents. In the past decisions, it has been indicated that it is just the Republican or the Democratic Party that can handle the applicants. While the liberal party has demonstrated more quality, the sensible applicants are for the most part from the two party frameworks which essentially limit the decisions of the democratic open. One of different issues in an Electoral College originates from the way that there is a need for essential races. This implies the protracted procedure of Elections is actually essentially only a procedure that was at that point pretty much chose when the primaries were thrown. As the ongoing races have appeared, when there are essential races it as of now turns out to be clear where the well known votes are and where the constituent qualities are. This additionally brings about a dissatisfaction in the vote and the desire of the electorate in light of the fact that having the primaries implies that much of the time the votes of the last states doesn't generally make a difference, with the exception of when it is a truly close political decision however by and large this isn't regularly the situation. The purpose behind this is the aftereffects of the decisions have been chosen on the grounds that a large portion of the applicants have surrendered even before all the votes have been thrown because of the projections of specific up-and-comers having unfavorable lead. The end effect of these negative perspectives is very straightforward. It implies that the constituent procedure is disappointed and the privilege of the voters to be heard and have any kind of effect with their vote is dismissed. This depends on the way that when the appointive procedure is resolved before it is over it imparts the sign that the vote of the individuals who have not casted a ballot is not, at this point essential in deciding the outcomes. This may, over the long haul, lead to voter detachment and absence of help from specific states. From the perspective of the constituent procedure, it's anything but a genuine discretionary procedure since it doesn't take into account the genuine estimations of the general population to be reflected. Through the appointive procedure, the establishments of a popularity based framework become even more obvious. The privilege of the individuals to cast a ballot and to pick who they will choose as president is one of the significant establishments of an agent popularity based framework (Lijphart 139). Without these establishments set up, there would be no real way to guarantee that the privilege
Friday, August 21, 2020
Investigate the possible implications of inclusivity and exclusivity Essay
Research the potential ramifications of inclusivity and selectiveness of ICT inside UK schools - Essay Example l Communications and Technology Agency)1 that have examined this issue of effects of ICT in schools inside the United Kingdom over the most recent two decades. Their examination ImpaCT1 and ImpaCT2 had dissected the factual connection between ICT use and training measures, pupilââ¬â¢s exhibitions and in various ages and subjects UK being a created nation, the utilization of ICT has been a lot of cutting edge and the greater part of the schools are currently applying ICT in the majority of their learning rehearses. Center has moved from finding out about ICT to learning through ICT. It is broadly acknowledged that ICT has the accompanying advantages as observed from concentrates here in the UK. At present, understudies are creating abilities on scope of advancements that have in the past had little effects on the schools. There are a few methodologies that are being utilized to join them into instructive encounters of these students. (Garnham, 2000). A case of such advancements in the UK and other created nations is the utilization of cell phones to aggregate when understudies are away from home and with certain alterations can be utilized as close to home reaction frameworks. In the UK radio station are everyday learning strategies in the lesser levels as well as at the college level. BBC communicate is normally the most loved for most schools since it is being viewed as the best media house with legitimate research structures. Such school radio projects as ââ¬ËWho needs to be a Millionaire?ââ¬â¢ communicates legitimately to a MP3 which store the data promptly to be recovered later by the client. Ongoing examinations have taken a gander at how intuitive whiteboards impacts learning and showing forms in schools. It recommends that whiteboards offer visual presentation that go in accordance with the clarifications offered by the instructor in this manner encourages understudies to see better. It further clarifies that it has an inspirational impact particularly when utilized at the elementary school level. ICT professionals are the most valuable individuals in the data society and
Things to Consider When Composing the Introduction of an Essay
Things to Consider When Composing the Introduction of an EssayWriting the introduction of an essay can be a very tough task to do. The reason for this is that it contains a number of facts that can be difficult to translate into words. The fact that the essay is not easy to read due to the information contained in it also makes it a tough one to write. Therefore, you need to make sure that you know how to put your thoughts and ideas in the right form so that you can convey them easily.However, with the advancement of the internet, a lot of people nowadays can now write their essays easily because the internet has given them the ability to submit their essays online without any problems. The introduction of an essay that can be written online is also known as the body of the essay. Thus, if you are planning to write the introduction of an essay that is made online, you should always make sure that you use the same method that you use when you want to write the body of the essay.While composing the body of your essay, you should be careful of the fact that it should be a little different from the introduction of your essay. You can also use the title of the essay that you want to write. You can also use a few titles that are related to the topic of the essay. However, you should make sure that they are short and concise enough so that they will not seem as though they are crammed in the body of the essay.However, you should also consider how important the introduction of your essay is. You need to make sure that the readers will understand the main idea of the essay before they read the body. Therefore, you should make sure that the title of the essay that you want to write is short and concise so that it will be easier for the readers to understand what you have written.Now, while composing the body of your essay, you can use some of thekey points that you have already discussed in the introduction of the essay. You should also try to make the body as short as p ossible since you do not want it to feel as though you are cramming in too much information. It would be best to only include some of the points that you discussed in the introduction. However, make sure that you still have the essence of the topics that you discussed in the introduction of the essay.As for the opening of the essay, you should make sure that it is not so long that it will take the readers longer to read it. However, you should make sure that you include the main idea that you want to get across to the readers in the opening of the essay. In this way, the readers will be able to read the entire body of the essay in a short amount of time.If you want to emphasize the main points of the essay, you can include the end part of the essay. You can also talk about some facts that you have mentioned in the introduction of the essay. However, you should always keep in mind that you should not make the essay longer than what you need it to be.It is very important to compose th e introduction of an essay in such a way that it is easy to read and understand. If you want to make the introduction of an essay that is composed online simple and understandable, you should make sure that you use the basic tips mentioned above.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Romanesque Monuments Research Paper - 275 Words
Romanesque Monuments (Research Paper Sample) Content: Name:Tutor:College:Course:Date:Romanesque monumentsRomanesque art evident in architectural objects in 11th century Spain was a product of cultural exchanges among different groups that include the Muslims, Mozarabs, and the Latin Spanish found in Northern Spain. Central to these cultural interactions was the effort of one group to negate the culture of the group it appropriated. However, these efforts did not produce distinct artistic forms, but instead had to incorporate fundamentals of the other culture to achieve an adequacy at demonstrating the distinctiveness and conquest of one culture over the other culture. For example, prior to the Islamic conquest of Southern Spain, the horseshoe-arched architecture was extant, having Visigoth roots and influences. Interestingly, the Muslim conquest of Spain brought along new architectural types that subtly incorporated the horseshoe-arches, partly out appreciation, but significantly as a way of gradually phasing the style o ut. The Mozarabs those Spanish under Muslim rule on the other hand, relived this horseshoe-arched architecture in their new lands in the North of Spain, the best of which was the San Miguel de Escalada Church (Dodds). Their motivation was to demonstrate the resilience of their material culture against the sophistication of the Muslim architectures. However, the Latin Spanish residents of Northern Spain, who considered themselves as purely Christians viewed the Mozarabic architecture as symbolic of Islamic culture, and so devised new artistic styles that would extinguish these Mozarabic architectures. Nevertheless, these new styles had traces of Islamic/Arabic material art to demonstrate the Christians retake of Spanish lands from Muslims. The Arca Santa of Oviedo of CÃ ¡mara Santa, Oviedo Cathedral provides a perfect exemplar (Dodds). In England, various artisans and illuminators demonstrated influences of the Utrecht Psalter. However, unlike the Spanish case, this was an intelle ctual conquest. Just like the Spanish monuments, English artists depicted a degree of deriving ideas from the Utrecht Psalter, albeit with some modifications in their characteristics. Winchester and Canterbury Cathedrals contain gothic works that adequately mirror concepts of the Utrecht Psalter (Heslop). This concept of the Utrecht Psalter is especially true in regards to the artist...
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Essay on Social Theorists - 1569 Words
Classical Social Theorists When trying to compare three social theorists to each other, you must first try to understand the intricacies that are entangled within each theory itself. Theorists, by nature, create theories that can be debated from all angles but must be a tight fit in order to be considered applicable to society. Theology as a single entity is constructed from deep intellectual thought. When social theorist begin to develop there theoretical perspectives, they seem to have an overwhelming grasp on the concepts they try to convey to us. Since it is extremely difficult to have such a complete strong hold on social issues such as family, politics and economics, it is important to know and understand the basic principles thatâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦He said that competition forces people to establish ties with one another in a web of affiliation, and in groups, conflict increases the degree of social solidarity within each group and at the same time, decreases the level of tolerance for devian ce. Aside from seeing conflict as a social form, Simmel also saw money as a social form. Simmelââ¬â¢s Philosophy of Money is a stab at exposing how the forms of interaction affect the basic nature of social relations independently of their specific content. Simmelââ¬â¢s major contribution to sociology resides in his concern with the basic forms of interaction. Unlike Mead and Pareto, Simmel is hard to follow because he jumps from topic to topic, from the micro to the macro and from the historical past to contemporary situations in his time. But in the end, his goal is similar to all other theorists: to explain many empirical events with a few highly abstract models and principles. (Turner P. 287) Although he rejected many of the points of positivist doctrines, Vilfredo Pareto was somewhat of a positivist whose major contribution to sociology was his Circulation of Elites conspiracy theory documented in The Rise and Fall of the Elites. Also known as the Father of Mathematics, Pareto thought that economics limited itself to a single aspect of human action and therefore, devoted his studies to social theory. 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I take a closer look at two commercials and examine how they would be interrupted by two distinct social theorist, postmodernist Jean Baudrillard and modernist George Ritzer. Chevron created a series of commercials where animated talking cars were portrayed as sentient talking beings. These commercials started airing around the time when Disney and PixarRead MoreWas Albert Bandura A Social Learning Theorist And Developmental Psychologist Living Today846 Words à |à 4 PagesAlbert Bandura is a social learning theorist and developmental psychologist living today, born in Mundare, Alberta in 1925. He was the youngest of six children. His parents were middle class worked in cotton picking farm, regardless of their income; they made a considerable effort helping children to get proper education. Dr. Bandura learned lot about value and self-direction and independence during his school age. Dr. Bandura went to University of Iowa to complete his Bachelors in psychology, and
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
What Redshift Reveals About an Object
When stargazers look up at the night sky, they see light. Its an essential part of the universe that has traveled across great distances. That light, formally called electromagnetic radiation, contains a treasury of information about the object it came from, ranging from its temperature to its motions. Astronomers study light in a technique called spectroscopy. It allows them to dissect it down to its wavelengths to create whats called a spectrum. Among other things, they can tell if an object is moving away from us. They use a property called a redshift to describe the motion of an objects moving away from each other in space. Redshift occurs when an object emitting electromagnetic radiation recedes from an observer. The light detected appears redder than it should be because it is shifted toward the red end of the spectrum. Redshift is not something anyone can see. Its an effect that astronomers measure in light by studying its wavelengths.à How Redshift Works An object (usually called the source) emits or absorbs electromagnetic radiation of a specific wavelength or set of wavelengths. Most stars give off a wide range of light, from visible to infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, and so on. As the source moves away from the observer, the wavelength appears to stretch out or increase. Each peak is emitted farther away from the previous peak as the object gets recedes. Similarly, while the wavelength increases (gets redder) the frequency, and therefore the energy, decreases. The faster the object recedes, the greater its redshift. This phenomenon is due to the doppler effect. People on Earth are familiar with Doppler shift in pretty practical ways. For example, some of the most common applications of the doppler effect (both redshift and blueshift) are police radar guns. They bounce signals off of a vehicle and the amount of redshift or blueshift tells an officer how fast its going. Doppler weather radar tells forecasters how fast a storm system is moving. The use of Doppler techniques in astronomy follows the same principles, but instead of ticketing galaxies, astronomers use it to learn about their motions.à The way astronomers determine redshift (and blueshift) is to use an instrument called a spectrograph (or spectrometer) to look at the light emitted by an object. Tiny differences in the spectral lines show a shift toward the red (for redshift) or the blue (for blueshift). If the differences show a redshift, it means the object is receding away. If theyre blue, then the object is approaching. The Expansion of the Universe In the early 1900s, astronomers thought that the entire universe was encased inside our ownà galaxy, the Milky Way. However, measurements made of other galaxies, which were thought to be simply nebulae inside our own, showed they were reallyà outside of the Milky Way. This discovery was made by astronomer Edwin P. Hubble, based on measurements of variable stars by another astronomer namedà Henrietta Leavitt.à Furthermore, redshifts (and in some cases blueshifts) were measured for these galaxies, as well as their distances. Hubbleà made the startling discovery that the farther away a galaxy is, the greater its redshift appears to us. This correlation is now known as Hubbles Law. It helps astronomers define the expansion of the universe.à It also shows that the farther away objects are from us, the faster they are receding. (This is true in the broad sense, there are local galaxies, for instance, that are moving towards us due to the motion of our Local Group.)à For the most part, objects in the universe are receding away from each other and that motion can be measured by analyzing their redshifts. Other Uses of Redshift in Astronomy Astronomers can use redshift to determine the motion of the Milky Way. They do that by measuring the Doppler shift of objects in our galaxy. That information reveals how other stars and nebulae are moving in relation to Earth. They can also measure the motion of very distant galaxies ââ¬â called high redshift galaxies. à This is a rapidly growing field of astronomy. It focuses not just on galaxies, but also on other other objects, such as the sources ofà gamma-ray bursts. These objects have a very high redshift, which means they are moving away from us at tremendously high velocities. Astronomers assign the letter z to redshift. That explains why sometimes a story will come out that says a galaxy has a redshift of z1 or something like that. The earliest epochs of the universe lie at a z of about 100.à So, redshift also gives astronomers a way to understand how far away things are in addition to how fast they are moving.à The study of distant objects also gives astronomers a snapshot of the state of the universe some 13.7 billion years ago. Thats when cosmic history began with the Big Bang. The universe not only appears to be expanding since that time, but its expansion is also accelerating. The source of this effect is dark energy,à a not-well-understood part of the universe. Astronomers using redshift to measure cosmological (large) distancesââ¬â¹ find that the acceleration has not always been the same throughout cosmic history. The reason for that change is still not known and this effect of dark energy remains an intriguing area of study in cosmology (the study of the origin and evolution of the universe.) Edited by Carolyn Collins Petersen.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay on The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was first published in1886, which was in the Victorian era. Dr Jekyll was a scientist who went too far in his experiments. He found a formula for a potion, which when drunk could separate his dual persona into good and pure evil. The formula not only affected him mentally but physically also. The evil side went by the name Edward Hyde, and he did terrible things, he trampled a little girl and even murdered someone by the name of Sir Danvers Carew. There was no apparent reason for Hyde to murder him; Mr Carew simplyâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Stevenson seemed to use Darwins theory in the transformation of Jekyll to Hyde, in the sense that Hyde is more Ape like than man. Although another reason for the novella causing such a sensation may have been it was simply an exciting read. This is because it is going beyond life as we know it, it shows us a drug that not only affects you mentally but physically too. This brings a sense of science fiction to the book. It tries to show us what would happen if we could go a stage further in science. Victorian England was a very dark time in history, rich people lived in big, posh houses, whereas the less wealthy lived down back alleys in smaller untidy buildings. Middle class men in Victorian times were very good they didnt go down to the pub for a booze up they wouldnt talk about sex, instead they would come home when they had finished work to see their wives. This could be a reason why the novella caused such a sensation, because Hyde was evil, he trampled a little girl he committed murder and this was very unusual for someone like Henry Jekyll to want to do. England was covered in a mix between fog and smoke, which was later called smog. This was described in all the back alley, mysterious, something bad is about to happen, parts of the novella. An example of something that happens in this type of setting is the murder ofShow MoreRelatedThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1675 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay Robert Louis Stevensonââ¬â¢s novella, ââ¬Å"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,â⬠is a type of Gothic literature. In the beginning of the story when Stevenson is describing the lawyer, one ââ¬Å"Mr. Utterson,â⬠the mood is a bit dull. At first glance the reader may think that this story would be a bit boring and drab. Stevensonââ¬â¢s story is far from being another dull piece of British English literature. The setting and mood of this novella are more complexRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde Essay975 Words à |à 4 PagesStevensonââ¬â¢s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a novella that follows the basic outline established by Mary Shelley in Frankenstein. However, Stevensonââ¬â¢s monster is not created from body parts but comes from the dark side of the human personality. In both novels, a man conducts a secret experiment that gets out of control. The result of these experiments is the release of a double, or doppelgan ger, which causes damage to their creator. While most people think that The Strange Case of Dr. JekyllRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1440 Words à |à 6 Pagescomplexity of human nature in his books, especially in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Kidnapped. The former is about a lawyer named Mr. Utterson seeking out the truth of Dr. Jekyllââ¬â¢s very strange will. He finds out that Jekyll was transforming himself into Mr. Hyde so that he could have the freedom to do whatever he wanted no matter how evil. By the time Utterson finds all this out and findsJekyll, he is too late and Jekyll has already killed himself. The latter is about David BalfourRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1196 Words à |à 5 Pageswhich do let control you? The good or evil? This was a question that Dr. Jekyll from the book, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, could not answer. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a book about a man who cannot control the two sides of himself, causing him to do terrible things and not even be aware of it. The theme of this book is good versus evil. Dr. Jekyll is fighting his evil side, known as Mr. Hyde, throughout the book. Some people believe that the bookââ¬â¢s theme hasRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde938 Words à |à 4 PagesVictorian Hopes and Fears Involving Science as Found in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde During the Victorian Era there was a great race to use science to alleviate the suffering of the ill, specifically for those patients who were suffering from ailments of the mind. While some of the methods used to diagnose and treat such afflictions would be considered barbaric in nature by todayââ¬â¢s standards, they were considered cutting edge medical science during the time of the Victorian Era. It was also consideredRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde964 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, written by Robert Louis Stevenson was published in 1886. The story is published during the Victorian era, the Victorian era was an age of repression, there was no violence, no sexual appetite, and there was no great expression or emotion. In the story, Dr. Jekyll creates a potion that turns him into Mr. Hyde, Mr. Hyde is the complete opposite of what people are in the Victorian era. At first, Dr. Jekyll is in control of Mr. Hyde, but towards t he end MrRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1505 Words à |à 7 PagesDuring the latter portion of the nineteenth century, Robert Louis Stevenson published his novella, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. The fin de sià ¨cle saw the rise of different thoughts and ideas surrounding science and society. These concepts and interpretations sparked the discourse surrounding the theory of degeneration; which was the concern that civilization would fall to a lower state of being. This chapter will be reading multiplex personality as a manifestation of this broader culturalRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1739 Words à |à 7 Pagesnovel ââ¬Å"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hydeâ⬠by Robert Louis Stevenson, the novel ââ¬Å"Frankensteinâ⬠by Mary Shelley, the short story ââ¬Å"The Monkeyââ¬â¢s Pawâ⬠by W.W Jacobs and the short story ââ¬Å"Yellow Wallpaperâ⬠by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. These four texts convey this theme through the use of gothic conventions such as death, madness and darkness. In the novels The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson and Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Frankenstein and Dr. Jekyll are wronglyRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1351 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Personas of Henry Jekyll Every person is born with bright and dark personas that people moderate due to the standards of society. In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Jekyll and Hyde battle for the power to stay alive in the story. As Jekyll continues to try and take over his evil persona, Hyde tries to stay alive and cause evil in the world. In our society, many people will struggle with self control and Dr. Jekyll has trouble controlling his alter ego by performing his evil pleasuresRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1326 Words à |à 6 Pages The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was published during the late Victorian era, but he clearly brings into question the acceptance of Victorian philosophies, especially the belief that one truth exists and that we can identify good and evil as separate entities. The names Jekyll and Hyde have become synonymous with multiple personality disorder. This novel can be examined from the natural dualism and Freudââ¬â¢s structural th eory of the mind. In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Communications - 1510 Words
Paraphrasing Practice Decriminalization of Marijuana Author: Lucia Pizzo Throughout the early 2000s, many states decriminalized marijuana. Levels of decriminalization varied with regard to the amount of marijuana in possession and whether the drug was for personal use, cultivation, or distribution. By 2010, marijuana had been at least partially decriminalized in Arkansas, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Washington, and Wisconsin. In Alaska and Massachusetts possessing one ounce of marijuana was deemed legal. Various groups supported decriminalization and pushed for stateâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In the case of NORML v. Bell, n117 the plaintiffs who opposed statutes criminalizing marijuana offered evidence of studies that dispelled many of the myths about the drug. n118 For example, marijuana is not a narcotic, not physically addictive, is [*310] generally not a stepping stone to harder, more serious drugs, nor does it cause aggressive behavior or insanity Despite these facts dispelling the theory that marijuana is extremely harmful to ones health, adverse findings still exist that raise important questions about marijuana use. n120 Smoking marijuana may contribute to lung disorders in the same way as tobacco, especially because marijuana smoke contains more tar, which can impair the lungs with heavy, long-term use. n121 There is also evidence that marijuana may lower levels of testosterone in males, may impair the functioning of the immune system, and may affect the cardiovascular system by accelerating the heart rate. n122 While proponents of decriminalization possess strong arguments in favor of their position, and can prove that marijuana is no longer the Devils Weed it was once thought to be, its long-term effects are still in question. n123 This explains why the drugShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding Communication : Communication And Communication1345 Words à |à 6 PagesHANDBOOK UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION TYPES OF COMMUNICATION METHODS OF COMMUNICATION INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION STYLES COMMUNICATION STYLES COMMUNICATION ROADBLOCKS HOW TO OVERCOME COMMUNICATION ROADBLOCKS THE DOââ¬â¢S AND DO NOTââ¬â¢S OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION HOW TO LISTEN EFFECTIVELY CONTENT PERTINENT TO SPORT STUDIES SYLLABUS SHELL PORTFOLIO EXIT EXAM STUDY GUIDES 3 AND 4 YEAR PLANS FOR MAJORS WRITTEN COMMUNICATION CHECKLIST ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS PURPOSE OF THE COMMUNICATION HANDBOOK TheRead MoreCommunication Is The Science Of Communication1066 Words à |à 5 PagesCommunication is important to strive in life, as well as, in integrated marketing communication. 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The second fact that Iââ¬â¢ve learned in this course is finding balance in your life so that youRead MoreCommunication Is The Language Of Communication1473 Words à |à 6 Pagessaid, ââ¬Å"The art of com munication is the language of leadership.â⬠Communication is essential to business as well as interpersonal relationships. The ability to express oneself with coherence and cogency is of the utmost importance to your professional and personal success. Effective communication solves and also prevents problems. Think back to all those times you endured a conflict with a person or institution as a result of poor communication or a complete lack of communication. 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Scavenger Hunt - 1092 Words
University of Phoenix Material Center for Writing Excellence Scavenger Hunt For each of the questions below you should look at both the Center for Writing Excellence and the University of Phoenix Writing and Style Guidelines. Submit your responses to the following questions: (HINT: Refer to the Reference and Citation Examples documdented in the Tutorials and Guides section, as well as the Sample Paper and the Library link.) 1. If more than one author is listed, must all authors be listed in the citation? Yes 1. Is the authorââ¬â¢s full name used in the References page entry? No 2. If no year is listed for an in-text citation, what should be listed? (n.d.) 3. What is the minimum information needed for anâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦| | |Fit to Window |Stretches your paper to fit the viewing area. Depending on your computerââ¬â¢s | | | |screen settings, this sometimes makes things easier to see. | | |Normal |Switches to the Normal view. | | |Print Layout |Switches to the Print Layout view. | |Insert |Page Break |Adds a page break to your paper at the point where your cursor is. | | |Page Number |Inserts a page number into your document (useful in the header). | | |Symbol |Adds symbols not available on your keyboard. Some useful examples are the em | | | |dash (ââ¬â), the copyright mark (à ©), all of the accented letters you could ever | | | |want (Useful if your name is ââ¬Å"Renà ©eâ⬠), and several fractions (ââ¦Å¾). | |Format |Align Left |Left justifies the text of whichever paragraph your cursor is in. | |Show MoreRelatedScavenger Hunt922 Words à |à 4 Pages16.à How many submissions are allowed for Exercises?à How many submissions are allowed for Post Tests? Two submissions are allowed for exercises and only one submission is allowed for post-tests. 17. How many points will you receive on the Scavenger Hunt if get all questions correct.à How many points will be deducted for each question missed? If all questions are correct, you receive 50 points. You lose 10 points for each incorrect answer. 18. Canvas contains practice exams and answers.à WhatRead MoreThe For The Cultural Scavenger Hunt1428 Words à |à 6 PagesFor the cultural scavenger hunt, I was able to observe my doctorââ¬â¢s office, called Doctors Family Practice Center. It was interesting for me to notice the setting more in detail, and to observe people, pictures, and literature. Although I have been there a few times, it was helpful to notice small details. I was glad that I was able to do this project, because in the future I will observe healthcare settings more in detail. While at the doctorââ¬â¢s office, I noticed several pictures that were displayedRead MoreScavenger Hunt1421 Words à |à 6 Pages1. ECPI is an accredited institution. Who is the accrediting body, and what does this mean for you as a student? Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, It means that our diplomas are real and can be used in the real world 2. What 4 academic programs or courses of study does ECPI offer? Technology, Business Criminal Justice, Health Science, and Culinary Arts 3. Who are the department heads for each program (for days and nights itââ¬â¢s the same Dept. HeadsRead MoreEssay on Scavenger Hunt1183 Words à |à 5 Pagesquestion in your own words (do not copy and paste). Provide the page number on which the information is found. Save the document as first name, last initial_scavengerhunt. Example: CrystalE_Scavengerhunt. If you have questions, please ask. Scavenger Hunt Questions University 1. Who is the accrediting body for ECPI? ECPI University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACSCOC). Specifically, The Health Science/Medical AssistingRead MoreImplementing A Debt Education Program1310 Words à |à 6 PagesCashCourseà ® is that they offer scavenger hunts. Student life could promote the scavenger hunt and assist with the execution of the events. The goal is to help students become familiar with the program throughout each semester. Towards the last three months of each semester, we will have an event to test the studentââ¬â¢s skills and knowledge they acquired through the activities. The Scavenger hunts consist of three online challenges. The student who can complete the scavenger hunt in the least amount of timeRead MoreA Study On The Scavenger Hunt Activity844 Words à |à 4 PagesThe appellation given to me is ââ¬Å"Donald William Changâ⬠but please call me Dach for short!â⬠¨Ã¢â¬ ¨My intended area of study for business would b e in entrepreneurship, e-commerce, leadership, and business law, ethics, policy, strategy, society. â⬠¨The Scavenger Hunt activity gave me a hands-on opportunity to navigate the online campus in order to locate and remember where important learning and informational resources were located. It also demonstrated to me how the process could actually be fun and engagingRead MoreCareer Scavenger Hunt Essay1755 Words à |à 8 Pagesï » ¿Career Scavenger Hunt Instructions Part I: NCDA Scavenger Hunt 1. What is the relationship of the NCDA to the American Counseling Association? The relationship of the NCDA to the American Counseling Association is that the ââ¬Å"NCDA is a founding division of the American Counseling Association and collaborates with the ACA to jointly represent the interest of counselors in congress and in the national legislative processâ⬠(NCDA, 2015). 2. What is the purpose of the NCDA? The purpose of the NCDA isRead MoreCivil War Scavenger hunt1004 Words à |à 5 Pagesï » ¿Title: The American Civil War Review Scavenger Hunt Use the underlined sites to find the answers to the questions. (Place your cursor before the Question mark and type your question. Highlight a word or words and link to the web site Where the answer is located.) 1. Who was the president of the Confederate States of America? Jefferson Davis 2. Clara Barton became the first president of the American Red Cross. 3. President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865 in WashingtonRead MoreUNV501 Online Scavenger Hunt Essay900 Words à |à 4 Pagesï » ¿ Online Learning Environment Scavenger Hunt Introduction Learning how to navigate the online classroom environment is essential to your academic success. GCUââ¬â¢s Learning Management System (LMS) LoudCloud has many resources to help you become a successful graduate student. Directions View the LoudCloud Walk to Class Tutorial as well as search LoudCloud to find answers to the questions below. You should complete the guide while navigating the LoudCloud environment. Part A: Answer each promptRead MoreInft Scavenger Hunt Quiz Essay709 Words à |à 3 PagesClassroom Scavenger Hunt/Quiz Instructions Complete this worksheet by responding to the following the tasks listed below and providing answers to the questions. You may choose to print this worksheet for easier access. If you instead type out your answers onto this document, be sure to electronically save your work. Once you have completed this worksheet, open the INFT 101 Module/Week 1 Assignments folder and review the assignment instructions for completing the Classroom Scavenger Hunt Quiz. You
Access to Medicines in Developing Countries free essay sample
One of the appalling statistics that came out of a survey in 2000 was the percentage of the HIV/AIDS infections in Africa. It was reported that nearly 80% of the total number of affected people was from this continent. Now if this report sounds dreadful, one might get a bigger shock by looking at the picture of modern healthcare methodologies in Africa. Despite being a developing nation, Africa gets scarcely one percent of modern drugs. The value of all medical drugs transported to Africa amounts to the expenses spent on advertising by the leading pharmaceutical companies in the United States of America. Under the light of this reality, this paper is going to discuss the genuine scenario in developing countries that donââ¬â¢t have an affordable access to life-saving medicines. It might be noted that access to medicines is a fundamental human right, and there is a yawning gap between crisis and cure in a capitalistic social setup. Due to increased political pressure, many drug manufacturing companies have been forced to review their business strategies and produce medicines that are relatively less expensive. Moreover, it is also mandatory to formulate a well-organized delivery system that would ensure a proper and timely delivery of the medicinal goods to Africa and other Third World countries. Modern healthcare remedies are needed to be deployed in order to combat the menace of HIV and other diseases in the underprivileged tropics. (ââ¬Å"Access to Medicine in Developing Countriesâ⬠, 2000) Access to medicine in developing countries has always been a matter of great disputation, mainly because of the convoluted interaction between macroeconomic development, patterns of diseases and healthcare requirements and provisions. It has been an inescapable paradox for many countries where the national economic status can only be attained by improved health status. Hence, lack of supply of life-saving drugs hinders the scope and opportunity of national healthcare. (ââ¬Å"Improving Access to Medicines in Developing Countriesâ⬠, 2005) The impoverished countries find it a mammoth task to meet both ends successfully. It has been proposed that only a large scale international funding can inject some fruitful results in the context of healthcare and economic boost. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) are working together to provide the best possible framework for improved health status as well as the macroeconomic development of developing nations. WTO is primarily concerned with the organized growth of a capitalist, free market global economy. On the other hand, WHO is focused on improving health conditions by providing healthcare models that can be applied to both developed as well as developing nations. Institutional and public sector frameworks play a crucial role in realizing the objectives of WHO to the best possible extent. The newly incepted Global Health Fund is working relentlessly to provide remedies for HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria. The Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS agreement) are held, in some cases, as obstacles for access to essential medicines in developing countries. Ever since WTO finalized the TRIPS agreement in April 1994, this issue has been a matter of great debate. The main problems in accessing medicines, as viewed by experts, are the increasing expenses, which can shoot up to 66% of total expenditure in developing nations. Todayââ¬â¢s scenario as far as having access to essential medicines is concerned is an alarming one, with more than one-third of the worldââ¬â¢s population are deprived of indispensable drugs. According to the WHO, developing countries, especially those in Asia and Africa, must be provided with an all-encompassing solution in terms of health priority problems, and they must be able to gain access to life-saving medicines at an affordable deal. To make matters worse, the poorer section of societies in developing countries find themselves all at sea due to their inability to physically access life-saving drugs. So both availability and affordability are the key areas of concern. Now under these circumstances, the introduction of strong and worldwide product patents for drugs, as implemented through the TRIPS agreement, may cause drastic increase in prices for essential medicines. The ââ¬Ëlegal monopolyââ¬â¢ that comes with such rigid patent system prevents anybody from producing, selling or distributing medicines in an unauthorized manner. Even if there is no patent laws, access to medicines is going to be a problem for the developing countries, due to adequate purchasing capabilities and required infrastructure. Majority of the medicines for HIV/AIDS are still under ââ¬Ëliveââ¬â¢ patent coverage. It doesnââ¬â¢t make for affordable access to such medicines either. And since more than 95% of HIV/AIDS affected people are from developing countries, and 50% of them belong to the productive age group of below 25 years, serious socio-economic consequences are perceived with very little signs of relief. Before TRIPS were put to effect, most developing countries and some developed countries did not impose patent laws on medicines even if they were manufactured with innovative technological aids. But today, most of these nations being WTO members have to enforce the patent laws laid down by TRIPS. This has led to hike in prices of patented medicines. It is worth noticing that even under the TRIPS guidelines, patents are to be given only on applications received from 1995 onwards for new therapeutic inventions. So any medicine manufactured before 1995 should not be unaffordable for the developing nations. Manufacturers of the newer and more innovative pharmaceutical products file for patents only in countries where business of piracy runs rampant. Parallel import of drugs is another important issue that came into consideration after the TRIPS agreement. The Intellectual Property Rights owners of specific brands of medicines face problems when goods, legally distributed in the market of one country, are imported to another without the necessary legal authorization. Now, as long as there is no discrepancy in Intellectual Property Rights in two different countries, article 6 of TRIPS defends parallel import. But considering the economic side of such imports, it might be noted that price of the same medicine in one country may rise or fall to a great extent in another. So developing countries, without violating the Intellectual Property Rights protection, may find a way out to access essential but expensive drugs from its neighboring countries. (Watal, J. 2000) In addition to what is discussed above, one must bear in mind the supply side process concerning manufacture and distribution of medicines. The specific issue related to accessibility to medicines is directly linked with the development and implementation of more efficient and cost-effective measures in manufacturing and distributing drugs. A number of speculative theories and ideologies have been put forward to address the issue of maximizing the available resources to achieve a standardized health status around the globe. However, the aim of this paper is not to get into a particular ideological standpoint, or to promote distinct solutions, but to gain a deeper insight into the real constraints of manufacturing and distributive activities. One has to take into account the diverse theoretical concepts, the macroeconomic environment of international economics and technological nuances of the pharmaceutical sectors. Once we identify the constraints, it will be easier to suggest feasible solutions in terms of easy and regular access to medicines for the developing countries. The policies adopted by pharmaceutical companies are worth taking a look at.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Project Report IT Security
Question: Write about the Project Reportfor IT Security. Answer: Introduction to Information Security Social Engineering refers to the art that includes the manipulation of the users in such a manner that they end up giving their confidential information to the malevolent entities. The information that the attackers may try to retrieve through these attacks may vary and it involves tricking the users such that they give out details such as user credentials, payment details and likewise. There are various social engineering techniques that the attackers make use of in order to retrieve confidential information from the users. One of the most common techniques is the phishing scams in order to obtain the personal information from the users. Phishing refers to the malicious activity of sending fraudulent emails to the customers in order to retrieve personal information from them by tricking the users. Embedded links and suspicious URLs are also used in order to execute the phishing attacks. Another form of social engineering attacks is pretexting in which the attackers create a fabricated scenario in order to obtain the personal information from the users. These attacks are used to acquire sensitive as well as non-sensitive information from the users. Baiting is another social engineering technique that is executed in order to gain personal information from the users. This attack is similar to the phishing attacks; however, these attacks make use of an offer or a produ ct to attract the users. Quid pro quo attacks are also the social engineering attacks in which the attackers promise the users to provide them an advantage or benefit in exchange of the information that they acquire from the users. Tailgating is also one of the most common social engineering techniques in which an unauthorized entity gains entry in to an authenticated area through illegal methods. There are numerous prevention mechanisms that may be used in order to prevent the social engineering attacks. The first and the foremost mechanism are to be aware of the social engineering attacks and their techniques. The users shall seek information regarding the attack types and techniques to prevent the execution of these attacks. Also, the users must never share their personal information with any party over the network. There are certain classes of information that the attackers target upon which include the demographic details of the users, payment information, user credentials and likewise. The users must make sure that they understand these information types and keep them protected. Organizations must also carry out trainings and awareness sessions for the users in order to make them aware about the common social engineering techniques and measures to detect and prevent the same. It is also extremely necessary to keep the software and systems up to date in order to avoid the specific types of attacks that are common to a certain version of the software or the system. Two-fold authentication along with blocking of malicious URLs and links shall be done with the aid of enhanced authentication measures and the use of firewalls (Alheyasat, 2015). Social engineering attacks are on an increasing pace in the current scenario. As per the trends, it has been observed that the frequency of these attacks will increase in the coming days as the attackers will have newer forms of access points and increased number of users over the network. It is required for the users to have a certain technical knowledge on the security attacks in order to keep their information safe and secure at all times. Also, there are enhanced privacy policies that are required to be set up in order to avoid any of the malicious entry in to the system. Cryptography Cryptography is a technique that leads to the enhancement of secure communication over the network by making use of various techniques and one of the techniques is encryption of information. Encryption of information refers to the process of converting an information piece in to the secure form which is known as encrypted form which can only be decoded or decrypted with the help of a key which may be public, private or shared in nature. There are broadly two types of encryption techniques that have been created. One of the techniques is the symmetric encryption and the other technique is the asymmetric encryption. Symmetric key encryption is the type of encryption that makes use of a common key for the encryption as well as decryption of the information. The encrypted text is referred as the cipher text in the terminology of cryptography. Some of the examples of symmetric key encryption include Data Encryption Standard (DES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES), Blowfish, Twofish and many more. In these cryptography algorithms, a private key is used for converting the plain text in to the cipher text which is referred as encryption of information and the same key is used for converting the cipher text to the plain text which is known as decrypting the information. Most of the symmetric key algorithms make use of block cipher i.e. in these algorithms blocks of data are encrypted rather than one bit at a time. Asymmetric encryption algorithms on the other hand make use of different keys for the encryption and decryption of information. The interdependency in this case enhances the security of the information that is transmitted over the network. Some of the common asymmetric encryption algorithms include Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, RSA algorithm (Rivest, Shamir and Adleman), hash functions and many more. Hash algorithms that come under the asymmetric encryption algorithms return a value on the basis of the hash function that is applied. If there is any change in the data or information that is transmitted over the network, the hash value is also modified. There are various differences in the two encryption algorithms that are used for cryptography. Apart from the difference in the use of keys between the two types of encryption algorithms, asymmetric algorithms put a higher computational burden as compared to its counterpart. The major ability of the asymmetric algorithm is that it has the capability to create a secure medium over the non-secure or less secure channel. Symmetric algorithms on the other hand are extremely fast in nature as they make use of a common key for encryption as well as decryption of algorithm. The ease of implementation is also higher in the case of symmetric algorithms as compared to the asymmetric algorithms. Cryptography is an essential technique that is being used by the users and organizations all across the globe. The encryption algorithms that have been defined under cryptography ensure that information that is shared and transmitted over the network is kept secure and protected and the properties of the information such as its confidentiality, privacy and integrity are not violated. Also, there is a lot of research work that is being done in this field in order to devise the new mechanisms of information security and advanced cryptography is being applied across the several channels to make sure that the information security is enhanced. Symmetric key algorithms as well as asymmetric key algorithms are the two types that come under the umbrella of cryptography and have their own sets of pros and cons. It is required to investigate the suitable encryption type that shall be applied for the security of information. In the present times, big intelligence tools such as data mining and a nalytics tools are also being used for the detection of activities on the network (Harale, Meshram, 2016). Network Security Fundamentals and Firewalls There is a lot of information that is exchanged over the network on a daily basis. This information may fall in various categories such as private, confidential, sensitive, public and likewise. There are a lot many information and network security attacks that have been created that impact the properties of the information in a negative manner. These attackers or intruders gain an unauthorized entry in to the secure channels in order to violate the information properties. Intrusion Detection systems are the automated tools that are used to detect the activity of the intruders on a particular network or system. These create alerts to the system experts in case an entry is made by the intruder or any of such attempts is made. There are also various reports that can be extracted from these tools in terms of the data logs, activity logs and likewise. Network Intrusion Detection is the type of intrusion detection systems in which activity on a particular network is detected by the tool. The intrusion detection systems are installed for every single node segment that is present in a network. This tool is therefore responsible for tracking and monitoring the entire network traffic for all the nodes that are present in a particular network. It also does not involve the need to install the software across all the nodes and there is easy to install and involves lesser costs as well. These intrusion detection systems are created in such a manner that these are not dependent upon the operating system for deployment and functioning. The feature and ability make these systems easy to deploy. There are numerous network security attacks that have been created by the attackers such as denial of service attacks, distributed denial of service attacks, man in the middle attack, spoofing attacks and many more. Network based intrusion detection sy stems keep a track of the entire network activity and have therefore been successful in controlling and preventing the network attacks on a particular network. Also, these systems work in the real-time and therefore are efficient of detecting the network activities and malevolent activities in the real-time. Organizations and individual users have recently inclined towards the deployment of the network intrusion detection systems in their architecture in order to avoid and prevent the network attacks. Also, these systems have experienced a lot of advancement and innovation in the recent times and have become efficient to put a check on the network attacks. There are scenarios that have been observed in which the attackers sit on the network in an unauthorized manner and capture the network activity which is later misused by the attackers. Network based intrusion detection systems ensure that such entities are detected and removed from the network. There are also several network security protocols that have been developed and can be tested with the help of network based intrusion detection systems. In such cases, dummy data is passed on to the network to perform some illegal or malicious activity which is then detected by the network based intrusion detection systems. The testing process provides the network experts with an overview of the ability of the system along with the areas of improvements under the same. There are numerous algorithms that are used in the network based intrusion detection systems to make sure that any of the network security attack does not go undetected and is prevented in a timely manner. References Alheyasat, O. (2015). Examination expertise sharing in academic social networks using graphs: the case of ResearchGate. Contemporary Engineering Sciences, 8, 137-151. Harale, N., Meshram, D. (2016). Data Mining Techniques for Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems. International Journal Of Innovative Research In Computer Science Technology, 175-180.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Taking a Free Sample Essay For School Admission
Taking a Free Sample Essay For School AdmissionThe free sample essay for school admission can be a handy tool for you to review. If you have not already done so, it is best to read the following sample essay from a popular publisher and revise the essay to see if you are satisfied with it.In order to write a successful essay, one must learn the right directions and practice to perfect the craft. To be prepared, you should first review the contents of the book. Then read the sample essay and try to improve on your own essay.The essay must be based on factual information from your academic experience. It must include facts regarding your academic performance in class. You should discuss your current situation and the opportunities available to you at this time. It is also necessary that you carefully explain why you want to study criminal justice and this will help you make a better decision. It should be a well-researched essay and contain the necessary information to support your the sis.Once you have the correct information, you need to talk about the most important things to you. Use your writing skills and make use of the writer's block so that you can tackle your topics properly. Use a purpose in which to communicate that will move the reader to action. Your essay should help you draw out some positive points from the information you provide.Essays for school admission usually cover a wide variety of subjects, especially those related to criminal justice. It helps to learn about the subjects first and then write an essay on them. This will give you a firm foundation before writing the essay. Once you are familiar with the subject matter, you will be able to express yourself clearly about it and this is the best way to begin a proper essay.One of the most common mistakes is to leave a paragraph to finish up the essay and then start the rest of the essay from that point. A good student and a responsible one are one who can continue the topic properly and compl ete the rest of the essay. An essay should not be the focus of the paper and should not be a long discussion. It should convey the ideas of the essay and create a single clear statement.The free sample essay for school admission must not be a rehash of what has been previously mentioned in the course. Your college adviser is interested in the topics that will enable you to become an outstanding individual. It will be beneficial to you if you write your essay to fit into the general topic outline of the course. This is a good way to learn a lesson or a concept and then work on it in your own words. Practice makes perfect.Finally, do not rush the essay as this will result in an unfocused essay. Make sure that your essay includes all the necessary information to support the statements you have made in the essay. If you are able to take these steps in reviewing the free sample essay for school admission, you will be ready to write an outstanding essay.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Alchaholism Essays - Drinking Culture, Psychiatric Diagnosis
Alcoholism Alcoholism is a broad term for problems with alcohol, and is generally used to mean compulsive and uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages, usually to the detriment of the drinker's health, personal relationships, and social standing. It is medically considered a disease, specifically a neurological disorder, and in medicine several other terms are used, specifically "alcohol abuse" and "alcohol dependence" which have more specific definitions.[1] In 1979 an expert World Health Organisation committee discouraged the use of "alcoholism" in medicine, preferring the category of "alcohol dependence syndrome".[2] In the 19th and early 20th centuries, alcohol dependence in general was called dipsomania, but that term now has a much more specific meaning.[3] People suffering from alcoholism are often called "alcoholics". Many other terms, some of them insulting or informal, have been used throughout history. The World Health Organization estimates that there are 140 million people w ith alcoholism worldwide.[4][5] Alcoholism is called a "dual disease" since it includes both mental and physical components.[6] The biological mechanisms that cause alcoholism are not well understood. Social environment, stress,[7] mental health, family history, age, ethnic group, and gender all influence the risk for the condition.[8][9] Long-term alcohol abuse produces changes in the brain's structure and chemistry such as tolerance and physical dependence. These changes maintain the person with alcoholism's compulsive inability to stop drinking and result in alcohol withdrawal syndrome if the person stops.[10] Alcohol damages almost every organ in the body, including the brain. The cumulative toxic effects of chronic alcohol abuse can cause both medical and psychiatric problems.[11] Identifying alcoholism is difficult because of the social stigma associated with the disease that causes people with alcoholism to avoid diagnosis and treatment for fear of shame or social consequences. A common method for diagnosing alcoholism is evaluating responses to a group of standardized questions. These can be used to identify harmful drinking patterns, including alcoholism.[12] In general, problem drinking is considered alcoholism when the person continues to drink when they want to stop because of social or health problems caused by drinking.[13] Treatment of alcoholism takes several steps. Because of the medical problems that can be caused by withdrawal, alcohol detoxification is carefully controlled and may involve medications such as benzodiazepines such as diazepam (Valium).[14] People with alcoholism also sometimes have other addictions, including addictions to benzodiazepines, which may complicate this step.[15] After detoxification, other support such as group therapy or self-help groups are used to help the person remain sober.[16][17] Thombs (1999) states according to behavioural sciences alcoholism is described as a ?maladaptive behaviour?. He explains this must not be confused with ?misbehaviour?. Behavioural scientists explain that addicts have a behaviour pattern that may lead to destructive consequences for themselves, their families and society. This does not label addicts as bad or irresponsible.[18] Compared with men, women are more sensitive to alcohol's harmful physical, cerebral, and mental effects.[19][20 ]
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
ACT Exact Start Time and End Time
ACT Exact Start Time and End Time SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In addition to all your ACT studying, you need to prepare for test day. When exactly does the ACT start? What time will you hand in your scantron sheet, gather your arsenal of No. 2 pencils, and leave the test center? Is timing the same for all students, or does it vary by location? This guide will go over the exact start and end time of the ACT so you can plan your Saturday morning. Assuming you haven't arranged an alternative testing date or other accommodations, what time do you need to arrive? ACT Test Day: When Do You Need to Arrive? You must be in the test center by 8:00 am at the very latest. Test administrators are strict about denying entrance to latecomers. Since students are usually admitted at 7:45 am, you should really aim to arrive between 7:30 and 7:45 am. There's often a line of students waiting outside, so it's definitely a good idea to get there earlier than 7:45. You'll check in with your admission ticket and ID and find your room. Seats are assigned, but first you might have to store your bag and snacks somewhere outside of the testing room. Once everyone is checked in and seated, the proctor will pass out the test booklets and scantrons. She'll give you instructions about how to fill out your personal details and take the ACT. All of this takes about 30 minutes to an hour,depending on how many students there are and how long it takes everyone to get settled in. Although you'll arrive to the test center by 7:45, you'll actually start taking the ACT between 8:30 and 9:00.From the point you start in on your first English question, how long does the exam take? How Long Is the ACT? Added together, the four multiple-choice sections of the ACT (English,Math,Reading, andScience) take a total of two hours and 55 minutes. With the 40-minute optional Writing section, this time increases to threehours and 35 minutes. Here is an overview of the time you'll get on each ACT section (including breaks). I've also included exact start and end times (with the assumption that the test starts at 8:30 am). ACT Section Total Time Start Time End Time English 45 mins 8:30 am 9:15am Math 60 mins 9:15am 10:15am Break 10 mins 10:15am 10:25am Reading 35 mins 10:25am :00am Science 35 mins :00am :35am Break (some students leave) 5 mins :35am :40am Writing (optional) 40 mins :40am 12:20 pm TOTAL 3 hrs 5 mins (w/out Writing) 3 hrs 50 mins (w/ Writing) - - Besides the four sections, you'll get a 10-minute break. This break is always after Math and before Reading. If you're taking the ACT with Writing, you'll also get a five-minute break first. If not, this is when you'll hand in your test and leave the testing center. On rare occasions, some students might be asked to take an extra fifth section (lucky them). This section will come at the end of the test. Don't worry- it won't be scored. It's just used to test out material for future ACTs. The questions could be multiple choice or student-produced responses. In the past, this section has been just 16 minutes long. Typically, without this rare extra section, the ACT is threehours and five minutes or three hours and 50 minutes(with the Writing section and breaks). Apart from a slight variation in start time to get everyone checked in, though, are there any other differences in how long the test takes at different test centers? Are There Any Variations in the ACT Schedule? The ACT should be three hours and five minutes or three hours and 50 minutes across the board. Since it's a globally administered admissions test, test-taking conditions should be standard for all students. The only exception involves accommodations for extended time or Special Testing. Other slight variations in the ACT schedule might occur if a proctor isn't strict with break time, or if students take extra time to return to the test room. There could also be a delay if a proctor has to dismiss a student from the testing room, although she might wait until the test is over to deal with an issue so as not to interrupt everyone else. Generally speaking, everyone taking the ACT will get the same amount of time. Because of this, you can know what to expect for your Saturday morning schedule and when to arrange to be dropped off and picked up. When Will You Leave the ACT Testing Center? Students taking the ACT are generally dismissed around 12:15 pm, and those taking the ACT with Writing are dismissed around 1:15 pm. Beyond the test, it takes a few minutes for the proctors to collect everyone's tests and for the students to gather their belongings and leave. The proctor will dismiss everyone, and you'll be all done and free to go. The ACT is a time-intensive, pressure-packed test for most students. Besides arranging your pick-up and drop-off times and knowing what to expect, though, is there anything else you can do to prepare for ACT test day? How to Plan Your ACT Test Day Schedule The ACT is already stressful as it is- you don't want to add to your stress by running late or feeling clueless on test day. Instead, you should familiarize yourself with exactly what's coming and have a plan for those things that are in your control,such as your schedule. You don't want to be rushing and diving through doors just before they close. That would just distract you, create anxiety, and be no fun for anyone. Therefore, leave early and give yourself plenty of time to arrive at the test center by 7:30 am- 7:45 at the latest. Pack your bag the night before with everything you need, such as No. 2 pencils and an approved calculator. Go to bed early, and eat a nutritious breakfast that will fuel your test-taking for the next few hours. Bringing a snack and water for the break is a good idea, too. Don't underestimate the effects your physical state can have on your mental clarity! After all, who can focus on trigonometry problems when their stomach is rumbling for everyone to hear? Staying energized and hydrated, as well as taking advantage of your break time to move around out of your desk,will be refreshing and help you reset before diving into the challenging Reading section. Put simply, prepare yourself so the morning of your test goes as smoothly as possible. Bring everything you need and know your exact testing schedule. Then by 12:15 or 1:15 pm, you'll be all finished and ready to celebrate completing the ACT! What's Next? Do you feel pressed for time on the ACT? Are you worried about getting to all the questions? Learn our expert strategies for how to stop running out of time on ACT Reading andACT Math. Did you know that more recent ACT practice tests are better representations of what you'll get on test day, while the older ones are a little too easy? At least, that's what test experts say. Read here about whether or not the ACT has been getting harder in the past few years. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points?We have the industry's leading ACT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and ACT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today:
Sunday, February 23, 2020
The History of Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The History of Advertising - Essay Example This essay "The history of advertising" outlines the changes in the advertisement in course of times and its future. Advertising today is totally integrated with the term marketing, that it has become an activity similar to mass selling. In this respect it has to be distinguished from other activities intended to persuade the public, like propaganda, publicity and public relations. The techniques of advertising range in complexity from the publishing of simple notices in the classified-advertising columns of newspapers to the integrated marketing communications, involving the concerned use of advertising in newspapers, magazines, television and radio and on the internet as well as direct response, sales promotion and other communications vehicles in the course of a single campaign. From its humble beginnings in the ancient times, advertising had grown into a worldwide industry, with billions of dollars spent every year to influence the purchase of products and services. New age advertising Advertising has also changed not only in spending but by its nature, scope and components over the years. The channels (media), research, techniques of persuasion, industry structure, economic and social effects and regulation are the factors that have contributed to its change over the years. Today advertising messages are disseminated through numerous channels. The television, newspapers, direct mail, radio, yellow pages, magazines, business publications, outdoor advertising and farm publications were the traditional channels. But miscellaneous media such as window displays, free shopping news publications, calendars, blimps, sky writing by airplanes, sandwich boards carried by people walking the streets, delivery trucks painted with product messages, wrapping paper and shopping bags etc are employed to reach the advertisements to the potential buyers. The new information age has contributed the advertising industry with its new channels like the internet, gleaming with pop-up messages and e-mail alerts; the mobile phones with the SMS messages and the net savvy gadgets that download the entertainment along with the ad promos. Research is another factor that has contributed to the growth of the sector. It was only possible to approximate the effectiveness of various advertising a century ago. Today prospective advertisers were guided almost solely by estimates of magazine and newspaper readership. Advertising and market research has become so much sophisticated that advertisers and agencies frequently conduct extensive and expensive surveys to determine the potential acceptance of products or services before they are advertised nationally at costs that may amount to millions of dollars. Techniques of persuasion has also changed, most of them circumscribed only by the ingenuity of the creative mind, the limits of various channels of communication, by certain legal restrictions and by the standards self imposed by the industry. Modern advertising employs an astonishing variety of persuaders. Among these are humorous and entertaining television and radio commercials, appeals to the sense of smell by use of perfumed ink on paper, endorsements of products by celebrities, appeals to parents to give their children a better life and future, appeals to children to 'ask mommy' to buy certain break fast cereals and the controversial use of 'scare copy'. The advertising industry has also changed. Today we see a great transition from the old space brokerage to the new age big-budget
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